Because plagiarism saves time.

Wednesday, July 12, 2006

Subject Lines

It seems that the new Yahoo! Mail service will actually suggest a subject for you if you click on the word "subject". Here's some of its oddest suggestions:
  • You can't teach an old dog to live in glass houses.
  • I like pie.
  • I believe those were mouse droppings
  • Wanna try the Good Cop/Bad Cop routine?
  • cycling over melons
  • Cooking pork chops in the toaster
  • Do you suffer from uncontrollable falling down?
  • Shake it, don't break it, took your mama 9 months to make it.
  • Clever things to say after inhaling from a helium balloon
  • Hazards of storing plutonium in Tupperware
  • he who laughs last always has the last laugh
  • Dang! That's the 10th Commandment I've broken today
  • All your platypus are belong to us.
  • Orange Mocha Frappuccinos!
  • Revoking your creative license
  • I'm NOT fat...that's my money belt
  • It's not you, it's me. I don't like you.
  • There are eels in my hovercraft
  • I am not a chew toy
  • Help watering the plastic flowers
  • Why does Chinese food always taste better in front of a computer?
  • Early bird gets the worm. But what about the early worm?
  • I eat tofu and I vote.
  • Carving watermelons on Halloween
  • Re: mummification?
  • I'm out of my mind, but feel free to leave a message.

There are hundreds of them, so if there's a good one I've missed you can leave a comment.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

The puppet show has been cancelled. Ciao.
You ATE the grand panjandrum's booties?
Dang...Probation denied again!
this body is slowing and my mind is reverse growing
memory is the greatest trick we play on ourselves, after reality
A robot beat me out for Employee of the Month
I'd love to, but I'm building a pig from a kit.
I think we need to talk
Dang it! Evil triumphs again!
My brain is not large enough to destroy the entire world when unfolded.
I believe those were mouse droppings
the art of driving a giant, nuclear powered duck
we have located your pants
I'm going through a shrinking spurt
Re: test results

Saturday, October 06, 2007 12:24:00 am

Anonymous Anonymous said...

As you are to me I am Clinical medica Dolores of the Surgical one "of
Cuba, that we are very famous by your our medicine and treatments,
because I am not here for speaking to them of policy, I want to tell
them that since I have reason use I suffered the psoriasis, imagine
that according to all they create here is the best thing for the cure,
independently if you have or not of the money, here is no such cures
friends, a day chateando with another person who I do not know but
that I will thank for all my life, I am spoken of a cream that was
being elaborated in Argentina, my was difficult to believe, and to
obtain it, with the problems of customs but many they helped me and I
bequeath cream, I I recommend them to all those that can to use it
since not they know curativa that is, is impressive change in my life,
that now they are wanting to bring it to my country, many colleagues
that has found out so that my case was very famous, all life of
sufferings, single I want to say them that while the cream this into
the hands of a person like Maria Diam, the cream healed when it
happens to hands of others let do it, to nobody agrees to him that the
psoriasis has cures I say them like medica with cause knowledge, by
the money treated of which the cream it is not so and it does not
arrive as it is formulates it I make sure them. For that reason I
admire to this woman that being able to sell this formulates (to a
dineral) not does it so that it knows that cream left to cure, so that
you would not haran it with the components that the original one has,
they love slaves and clients by always. I leave my history them
perhaps helps them to make the best decision

Tuesday, March 24, 2009 11:19:00 pm


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