Because plagiarism saves time.

Tuesday, February 22, 2005

Asbestos Cancer

Mesothelioma sucks. But so does this.

More Mark's Things*

Believe it or not, there's more to Mark's Things* than just the blog. There's also other blogs.

Spam Blog -
Forward your spam to, then read it on the blog. Why? Hell if I know.

How To Be Human -
If you need help fitting in, this website shows you how to be a normal member of society.

Stick Man -
The adventures of the world's most cheaply made Internet character.

The Penguin Page -
Though I ran out of ideas for this after four posts, its still on the net to show I no longer disassociate myself from my apparent penguinish origins.

Mark's Edits -
Where I go to moan. That and Gmail.

Mark's Games -
Originally a blog, but I couldn't be bothered to update it. So now its powered by Zylom.

Public Shout -
Post anything on here. Go on. It saves me thinking of my own stuff.

Copyright and Rights Information

Copying things from this blog:
  • Links: Generally, any links to other websites can be copied or forwarded to other people without you having to ask me first. However, when you do copy or forward the link I would like it if you'd also include a little line saying that you found it on this blog, and provide a link back. However, if you're copying them to a website or another blog, the blog should have some main content other than links copied from here. Also, I don't really want to be associated with porn or illegal software sites.
  • Text and pictures: You must contact me for permission before copying or forwarding text and pictures in any way other than the little email button next to the comments link. You can of course refer people to the post via a hyperlink though. Also, just because you have to contact me doesn't always mean I'll say no or make you pay for it, the rules for each post are different :)
Content published on this blog:
  • Text and pictures on the blog: As far as I know, none of the stuff on here has been taken against intellectual property law. If you disagree, you can contact me.
  • Links to external websites: Currently, I don't frame external pages, use URL masking or otherwise try to hide the address of offsite links.

Saturday, February 19, 2005

About contacting me

Your email will be read, but you may not recieve a personal response.

I always read every email that isn't caught out as spam, but I can't reply to every single one. Please don't be offended if you don't recieve a personal response -- and please don't send the exact same email again. As long as you didn't include the word "casin0" you can rest assured I'm not ignoring you. :)

Thanks for taking the time to write :)

The Mark's Things* Toolbar

Only the Mark's Things* toolbar has all this:
  • An icon to show if there's any new posts on the Mark's Things* blog, so you never have to come just to check again.
  • New: A webmail notifier that shows you when you have new Gmail, Hotmail or Yahoo! Mail. Add as many account and account types as you like, and optionally store your password so you can access your inbox in a couple of clicks (Note: only seems to work with Internet Explorer).
  • A nifty little radio, so you can play your favourite stations through your computer with a single click, no matter what you're doing. (You can add your own stations, and I've now got a special North-East England Edition which includes the regional stations).
  • A pop-up blocker with history, cookie and cache cleaner.
  • The obligatory search function with an optional highlighter.
  • No adware, spyware, malware or anything nasty. Its easy to uninstall if you don't like it.
  • Works with Internet Explorer and Firefox (except the email notifier which is IE only at the mo, sorry!).
  • You can turn on or off any features you don't use to save space via the options menu.
To see or download the toolbar, just click here for the international version or here for the special Newcastle version.

  • For some reason the search defaults to TBP when you first install it: just choose Google/Yahoo/etc. from the dropdown menu and it won't change back :)
  • If you download this you agree not to sue me if it screws up your computer or anything else (which I'm sure it won't, but don't sue me nonetheless.) You also agree not to point out you could just use RSS. Not everyone who reads this is a smart-arse techie.
  • Privacy info is available here.
  • For the Northeast toolbar, you should be a member of the relevant VIP Club to listen to Century FM and Galaxy 105-106. If you are not a member it is politely requested you either sign-up or do not use these streams.

<< Something to add? >>

Seen something good on the net recently? Just drop us the web address by leaving a comment to this post and consider it blogged.

I don't just blog anything though: a certain quality is needed for a blog like this to attract uber-upper-class audiences who might give me loads of money. (Well, they might.)

Anyway, just hit the button and leave your suggestion. If you leave your nickname we'll even give you credit for your wonderful find. :)

Any comments that have been blogged will be deleted.

P.S. Please don't send me links to viruses. I HATE it when you do that.